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Project Gladden has been released:

Browsing-only gateways:

Thread from /b/

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issa gem

Thread from /b/

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Thread from /p2p/

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Thread from /b/

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>/b/ - Random
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>/a/ - Specific

Thread from /test/

does this work?
12 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread


Replies: >>25 >>26
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Thread from /p2p/

This looks really interesting but sadly, I don't understand much of it.
Could be useful for making P2P networks more efficient perhaps?
Interesting, I also don't fully understand but I guess this helps trim down the amount of querying you have to do by a lot?

Thread from /p2p/

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Can't I create Gladden node under Whonix 17 WS? Connection just drops without much additional errors. Runned with NPM not yarn. Well kind of expected this.
Debian 12 works, except:
Starting Server at 8000:
Failed to get posts for board "help".
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'documents')
    at Module.getThreadsWithReplies (file:///home/user/gladden/dist/db.js:183:50)
    at file:///home/user/gladden/dist/server.js:587:66
Failed to open homepage
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'identity')
    at Module.clientId (file:///home/user/gladden/dist/db.js:58:19)
    at file:///home/user/gladden/dist/server.js:799:23
Successfully initialized Peerbit node.
{ replicationFactor: 1 }
Successfully opened Files Database.
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17 replies omitted. View the full thread
1.5 hours, no red cross emojis anymore but still no images. Now I can see debian's messages at whonix, those sent 1.5h ago and 25 minutes ago. Also now I can see whonix's messages at debian. Weird.
Replies: >>74 >>75
Thanks for the logs and info.
>{"level":40,"time":1710924428820,"pid":14354,"hostname":"host","module":"lazysub","msg":"Recieved message that did not verify PubSubData"}

I've encountered a similar issue with windows:
Still not sure what causes it but there seems to be some (temporary or conditional?) inability to verify database entries on some systems. Like you experienced, it didn't work on windows but then some time later after rebooting the node it worked. It's puzzling but hopefully we can get to the bottom of it soon.

So if you don't see the red crosses, that means the files are "present" but the chunks aren't being streamed to you properly. I wonder if it's something to do with the buffer size on your Whonix setup. If you don't mind, could you please experiment with  reducing this bufferSize variable to a lower value?


Or perhaps data streaming in the way it's implemented here in generally isn't working with your setup.

Is there always a prett
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Replies: >>75 >>76 >>77
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One thing also. Do you have "broken image" icons or does the page simply just keep "loading" without end?
Replies: >>76 >>77
Oh also, if you post an image on the Whonix system, are you able to see it locally?
Replies: >>77
As of now, gladden works on whonix vm. It even syncs new posts in seconds rather than hours, images working etc. So to replicate, I'd had to install it fresh, maybe later. Imo this could be non-whonix-specific issue

Thread from /p2p/

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There should to be a more convenient way for users to do p2p browsing and posting, namely an in-browser js frontend. To get that working, the next steps for development are:

- port captcha to peerbit
- get captcha working in peerchan-peer client
- create in-browser js client capable of browsing
- add posting functionality to in-browser js client
I think I may do the in-browser interface with a different style than the jschan interface shared by peerchan and peerchan-peer.
really impressive work so far, keep it up!
for what it's worth, every time i load a page, my browser offers to remember the pre-filled password in this dialog box
i'm not sure why it's pre-filled, or if it can be replaced with a hidden form element until clicked
Replies: >>67
Thanks! Though I should mention I've pivoted to working on project gladden rather than the peerchan software itself recently.

The main reason for the password is that jschan (that peerchan is forked from) generates a randomized password for post deletion. On firefox especially this can be annoying, but it might be possible to do "Never Remember" or something like that, or perhaps "Remember"?

Thread from /p2p/

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I've been working on a new project, which is based on a lot of lessons I've learned during peerchan's development. The key difference is that it's basically going to be p2p from the ground up, instead of a hybrid system with a mediator node. Instead of moderators, mediators, validation per se, instead peers are free to moderate content locally, and then the idea is that you can subscribe to others or whitelist them as users you accept as a moderator. Based on discussions here, >>>/feedback/, and on other sites, this seems like a more refreshing course of action as we can work on the key aspects of it without worrying about porting all functionality from jschan per se; certain things are more suited to a server-client model than a p2p model, so instead of finding the middle ground with a temporarily hybrid system and gradually morphing it, we can instead go whole-hog into the side we actually want, the p2p side.

Here's an example interface showing how you can locally delete files you don't like.
There are still features that should be added but I decided to release this project for now anyway:


Thread from /b/

These socks I bought from the Red Cross smell really nice.
What smells do you like?
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jesus what type of shitty forced content is this
heres your (you) you earned it maki
Replies: >>9
Someone isn't smelling anything nice today.

Thread from /p2p/

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Just got some access control stuff working and upgraded peerchan.net to where a list of keys is stored in the database to control which nodes can directly write to it. This paves the way for p2p posting via the peerchan-peer client, which is the next thing to work on.
The mechanism I'm currently thinking of is that there will be a separate database of "proposed posts" that any user can write to, and only the mediator server (for now) can delete from. The mediator server keeps track of new proposed posts in this pool, and when it finds a new one, it validates it and then does things like adding the timestamp, default name if the user didn't enter a name, checking the character limit, and things like that. Then if everything is valid it writes the validated/timestamped/etc post to to the posts database that frontends like peerchan-peer render from.

In the future I'd like to expand things so that people creating their own boards can also have root access and validate posts that are added to their own board without using the mediator server (eg. peerchan.net) as a validator server.

Let me know if you have any ideas or alternatives around this as I'm curious.
5 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
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Taking a detour to port the accounts database over to peerbit. This should allow us to do things like spam control and banning in a more P2P fashion. See here for more info:
Replies: >>50
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I changed how files are stored so they can be stored in a way where any peer can check their validity and a mediator isn't required to do so. So now when uploading files via the peerchan-peer client (or another client) you simply start seeding them. The next step is doing this when you post via peerchan-peer and also adding file references to the post submitted to the mediator. What kind of validation checks (for the post itself) should be performed the files uploaded, if any, is something I'm still considering. Maybe we will let people upload broken files and not check them, as hopefully the access control logic for opening files will protect the attack surfaces decently and just lead to someone uploading broken files.
Just handling the thumbnailing/other metadata processing for file posting and once this is working nicely, I'll prepare to upgrade peerchan.net to allow for P2P posting through peerchan-peer.
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Things are in a decently functional state now. I'm going to prepare to upgrade peerchan.net so you can browse as well as post via the peerchan-peer client.

See here for more info:

Pic related is a python based imageboard prototype I was messing with before deciding to fork jschan.
Have you heard of antiflood tokens?

Thread from /p2p/

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dead site kek
6 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
You're welcome
wtf did that post just disappear the second i replied to it
no logs either
50/50 on whether that was trannyjannying or the shitty software ate the post
Replies: >>49
Clients should make it clear when a post is deleted to prevent that kind of thing imo.
Maybe posts in a thread should form a hash chain / blockchain so its obvious when its broken

Thread from /p/

Thread from /chonk/

chunk chert

Thread from /chonk/


Thread from /p2p/

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Here's one:
In the frontend: messages in a thread appear out of order
I was messing with something trying to fix a longstanding bug but it seems to have made it worse.. lol
Thanks I'll look into it.
Okay fixed it.
Replies: >>31
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Thread from /x/

Small goblin type creatures are actually common and everywhere. Probably dependent on like where you live. People in cities live in disbelief of this thing because the grounds all toxic, the humans in there get sick and die so of course like non human creatures cant coinhabit urban areas. But like if you understand what a healthy environment is for something that is non human ud be able to see that there just always skittering around and stuff amongst us. There just tiny and stuff too so they like shuffle around and stuff.
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Replies: >>13

Thread from /test/

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does this work?
Test post.
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Test file.

Thread from /x/


Thread from /p2p/

ITT we brainstorm about how to prevent unwanted influxes of newcomers that change the culture of boards such as this one. Preferably ones that can be implemented in a P2P way.

For example: they could require a quorum of existing users to approve new users.
This would probably require some sort of identity based on i.e. asymmetric crypto. But users could stay anonymous using ring signatures.
Peerbit itself uses cryptographic identity on the client level so you have a keypair associated with the node you use to add database entries. This can be used for things like access control, and I'd like to use this for moderation-related things in the future. Good idea with ring signatures.

Though being able to post freely without registration is in my view an important aspect of imageboards, and I wouldn't want this to the case by default, it would certainly be nice to make things flexible enough to facilitate all sorts of vetting mechanism on a given site so people can experiment and find what works best for their community.
Replies: >>25
Ring signatures could also be used to identify a mod as being a mod (i.e. as the peerchan version of a capcode) or to sign mod actions, without identifying which mod specifically they are.
Was that what you were thinking of?
Replies: >>26
That'd be ideal. Right now there's two classes of users
"mediators" and "users". The mediator is responsible for actually adding posts to acess-controlled databases, like posts. Files on the other hand I am thinking will be open-access so you can add whatever files you want to the database freely. 

Some degree of access control is necessary for things like posts, as there are considerations for formatting, ban checks, spam checks, etc. that need to be performed before a post can be accepted. It may be possible to make some of this "automated" in the future where peers will perform these checks themselves as well. But for now I'm going with the simpler lower hanging fruit to make things more distributed step by step and then we can experiment more going forward

By the way, files will only be actually downloaded by peers if they call the getFile() function on the file document. The file document itself is just a reference to the actual file chunks. I'm going to have to modify this system a little bit going forward but overall the concept should be essentially the same.

Right now I'm working on this concept of performing actions via the mediator by making RPC calls to it. In this sense we use another node as an API into the database, the contents of which are then read-accessible freely by all peers. With this we can define specific actions that can be executed by specific identities, but will actually be ex
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Replies: >>27
>Right now there's two classes of users
>"mediators" and "users".

But going forward we can also experiment with making this more granular and allow things like moderators being able to directly delete post documents in the database.

Something to consider is that in a system like this where there is not necessarily a canonical ordering of events by default, special considerations have to be made around concepts like... what happens if a moderator was stripped of their position, but, right after that, tried to delete a bunch of posts. If some nodes lacked information about the current state of the. Honestly this might not be such a big deal in practice, but could lead to some "canonic splintering" of the current state of the database depending on which peer is looking at it and what data they have available, which is an interesting situation.
>If some nodes lacked information about the current state of the

current state of the moderators permissions list*

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