/p2p/ - Peer-to-peer

Peer-to-peer technology

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Project Gladden has been released:

Browsing-only gateways:

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Just got some access control stuff working and upgraded peerchan.net to where a list of keys is stored in the database to control which nodes can directly write to it. This paves the way for p2p posting via the peerchan-peer client, which is the next thing to work on.
The mechanism I'm currently thinking of is that there will be a separate database of "proposed posts" that any user can write to, and only the mediator server (for now) can delete from. The mediator server keeps track of new proposed posts in this pool, and when it finds a new one, it validates it and then does things like adding the timestamp, default name if the user didn't enter a name, checking the character limit, and things like that. Then if everything is valid it writes the validated/timestamped/etc post to to the posts database that frontends like peerchan-peer render from.

In the future I'd like to expand things so that people creating their own boards can also have root access and validate posts that are added to their own board without using the mediator server (eg. peerchan.net) as a validator server.

Let me know if you have any ideas or alternatives around this as I'm curious.
Just set up the foundations of being able to post to the ProposedPosts database from the peer client. Next things is having the mediator server validate and add valid posts to the actual Posts db.
New considerations have come to light that may allow for doing this in in a better way. I'm going to rethink this a bit.
Outline of the alternative way of doing this:
Either way there are some commonalities to both methods, including things like validating posts to see that they don't violate certain parameters like character count, so I've been working towards that. I think since the proposedposts concept is more fleshed out I'll implement it to an extent just to have P2P posting working in some form, and then consider the RPC/multisig method linked above as a way to improve it.
There is actually a significantly more straightforward way to do this via the RPC functionality. I've updated https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/peerchan/-/issues/7 to include this alternative proposal, which I think I will work on.
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Just implemented the very foundations of this:


There is a still a lot of functionality that's not implemented yet, and is marked with todo comments, so I haven't upgraded peerchan.net to use this yet. But now you can post in a P2P fashion with some basic functionality.
Once most of the functionality is implemented, I can then take a look at adding files P2P and then having those files linked to your post. This will probably introduce some database format changes that I'll have to expand the upgrade tools to migrate the content on peerchan.net (the way files are stored and their contents are referenced will probably be slightly different).

If I expand the upgrade system nicely then this will make it easier to make changes to the database formats while being able to port peerchan.net's content to the new formats more easily.

It's possible to have multiple document formats in a single database actually, and that's something to consider if there are more peers involved in the replication process I think, but for now we can get away with it I think.
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Taking a detour to port the accounts database over to peerbit. This should allow us to do things like spam control and banning in a more P2P fashion. See here for more info:
Replies: >>50
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I changed how files are stored so they can be stored in a way where any peer can check their validity and a mediator isn't required to do so. So now when uploading files via the peerchan-peer client (or another client) you simply start seeding them. The next step is doing this when you post via peerchan-peer and also adding file references to the post submitted to the mediator. What kind of validation checks (for the post itself) should be performed the files uploaded, if any, is something I'm still considering. Maybe we will let people upload broken files and not check them, as hopefully the access control logic for opening files will protect the attack surfaces decently and just lead to someone uploading broken files.
Just handling the thumbnailing/other metadata processing for file posting and once this is working nicely, I'll prepare to upgrade peerchan.net to allow for P2P posting through peerchan-peer.
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Things are in a decently functional state now. I'm going to prepare to upgrade peerchan.net so you can browse as well as post via the peerchan-peer client.

See here for more info:

Pic related is a python based imageboard prototype I was messing with before deciding to fork jschan.
Have you heard of antiflood tokens?
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