/p2p/ - Peer-to-peer

Peer-to-peer technology

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Project Gladden has been released:

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dead site kek
After getting P2P file upload working I've been taking a little break from coding peerchan to consider what developmental push to do next, and also to focus on a few things irl. So I also haven't been shilling it because I don't want to attract too many you-know-what spammers when I'm not looking and don't have many moderators. But once things settle down and I'm focusing more on the development and moderation I can start shilling things again. Or I can just shill it on the party and 4chan and see what happens lol.
Replies: >>38 >>40 >>43
Also the barrier to be able to use the peer client is probably way too high for now. I'm thinking I'll probably start working on the in-browser js client or something next. That and storing captchas with peerbit are probably what would be best to work on next.
Replies: >>39
I think it would be good to be able to use it P2P from a phone
Replies: >>41
You could shill it on https://usagi.reisen/ (only surviving instance of FChannel, a federated chan software using ActivityPub) but apparently the other instances died due to CP spam so be careful.
Replies: >>41
Thanks for the ideas.
Replies: >>42
You're welcome
wtf did that post just disappear the second i replied to it
no logs either
50/50 on whether that was trannyjannying or the shitty software ate the post
Replies: >>49
Clients should make it clear when a post is deleted to prevent that kind of thing imo.
Maybe posts in a thread should form a hash chain / blockchain so its obvious when its broken
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