/p2p/ - Peer-to-peer

Peer-to-peer technology

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Project Gladden has been released:

Browsing-only gateways:

ITT we brainstorm about how to prevent unwanted influxes of newcomers that change the culture of boards such as this one. Preferably ones that can be implemented in a P2P way.

For example: they could require a quorum of existing users to approve new users.
This would probably require some sort of identity based on i.e. asymmetric crypto. But users could stay anonymous using ring signatures.
Peerbit itself uses cryptographic identity on the client level so you have a keypair associated with the node you use to add database entries. This can be used for things like access control, and I'd like to use this for moderation-related things in the future. Good idea with ring signatures.

Though being able to post freely without registration is in my view an important aspect of imageboards, and I wouldn't want this to the case by default, it would certainly be nice to make things flexible enough to facilitate all sorts of vetting mechanism on a given site so people can experiment and find what works best for their community.
Replies: >>25
Ring signatures could also be used to identify a mod as being a mod (i.e. as the peerchan version of a capcode) or to sign mod actions, without identifying which mod specifically they are.
Was that what you were thinking of?
Replies: >>26
That'd be ideal. Right now there's two classes of users
"mediators" and "users". The mediator is responsible for actually adding posts to acess-controlled databases, like posts. Files on the other hand I am thinking will be open-access so you can add whatever files you want to the database freely. 

Some degree of access control is necessary for things like posts, as there are considerations for formatting, ban checks, spam checks, etc. that need to be performed before a post can be accepted. It may be possible to make some of this "automated" in the future where peers will perform these checks themselves as well. But for now I'm going with the simpler lower hanging fruit to make things more distributed step by step and then we can experiment more going forward

By the way, files will only be actually downloaded by peers if they call the getFile() function on the file document. The file document itself is just a reference to the actual file chunks. I'm going to have to modify this system a little bit going forward but overall the concept should be essentially the same.

Right now I'm working on this concept of performing actions via the mediator by making RPC calls to it. In this sense we use another node as an API into the database, the contents of which are then read-accessible freely by all peers. With this we can define specific actions that can be executed by specific identities, but will actually be executed on the database by the mediator which has "root access" to the databases.
Doing this indirectly means there won't be a database operation entry corresponding to the submitting peer, as it will be performed by proxy by the mediator identity, so that should help with anonymity to a large extent. But for other cases like adding files directly to the database, something like that could be desirable to obfuscate the poster's identity. We could actually just create a random temporary identity when adding the file document, which would also provide some degree of privacy.
Replies: >>27
>Right now there's two classes of users
>"mediators" and "users".

But going forward we can also experiment with making this more granular and allow things like moderators being able to directly delete post documents in the database.

Something to consider is that in a system like this where there is not necessarily a canonical ordering of events by default, special considerations have to be made around concepts like... what happens if a moderator was stripped of their position, but, right after that, tried to delete a bunch of posts. If some nodes lacked information about the current state of the. Honestly this might not be such a big deal in practice, but could lead to some "canonic splintering" of the current state of the database depending on which peer is looking at it and what data they have available, which is an interesting situation.
>If some nodes lacked information about the current state of the

current state of the moderators permissions list*
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