/x/ - Paranormal discussion, spiritual

try to keep things sincere were trying to build something here

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Project Gladden has been released:

Browsing-only gateways:

Small goblin type creatures are actually common and everywhere. Probably dependent on like where you live. People in cities live in disbelief of this thing because the grounds all toxic, the humans in there get sick and die so of course like non human creatures cant coinhabit urban areas. But like if you understand what a healthy environment is for something that is non human ud be able to see that there just always skittering around and stuff amongst us. There just tiny and stuff too so they like shuffle around and stuff.
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Replies: >>13


That's quite cool.
I like his approach to it. Seems like he has a deep sensitivity to the aesthetic rituality of it.

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Akashic records.
You kinda download them by meditating and doing spiritual stuff right?
The Akashic records, are said be to the source of the understanding of the laws of magic, and also they inspire the fundamental hermetic principles, well what was learned from the Akashic. this seems to be my understanding, does anyone else know anything about the?
Replies: >>8
My understanding is that they are records of all that ever was, is, will be, could be, and could have been. If you can navigate them you can scry into other times and place and worlds.

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The trimmers and tamers of the roots of the aether the trolls truly understand the danger, a pallid prince a malformed man, know this is a handsome troll that stands. He makes his deal in dirt so the mortal man shall abide his hurt, the trolls have been here to guard our passage, the trolls have been here to deal the tolls. the trees root expand bringing the homes of troll and man further.

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love for the trolls for the old slav country,  
pay respects to the trolls of old. 
trolls of the,
gnolls trolls,
 in the underground city,
 trolls in the hills,
trolls under bridges,
the devils of the old land rejoice
trolls are friends of people
trolls carved right into the steeple

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