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Project Gladden has been released:

Browsing-only gateways:

There is a chat application called Cabal Chat ( that has a feature called "subjective moderation". I don't understand it fully but from what I gather there are separate moderation teams that users can voluntarily subscribe to.
I think it's a good idea for imageboards such as this one. What do you think?
This solves the problem of moderation that is hostile to the userbase (or just a portion of it) since if one moderator/team goes bad, people can just switch.
P2P is also well suited to it as there is no server admin that can override the system.
It also might be a good a idea to borrow a leaf from Cabal's book and allow specifying an admin key in the URL. That way you can link to the board without directing people to an unmoderated mess.
Now that I think about it, I think NNTPchan had something like this.
Nice, this solution is ideal and where things should end up.
Ultimately we should be thinking about filters rather than "canon moderation actions" as on a traditional server.
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I'm actually working on something recently, that instead of being a hybrid system like peerchan currently is, with mediators and validators built in as a hybrid system, will be entirely p2p at first (though posting by proxy through an HTTP interface like you can do here can also be supported). And I'm thinking to give it this subjective moderation system. Where you can delete/filter posts and blacklist certain files on your end, and also subscribe to other deletors as you see fit type of thing. I'll post more about this when it's closer to being ready. Instead of being based on a jschan fork I'tll hopefully be something more lightweight and simpler for people to get started with. I've even heard you can compile node.js code into an executable so people wouldnt have to install node on their systems first, just be a "extract and click to run" type of thing (at first, again browser version considerations can also come later on)
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